Today I had a blind date with a Finnish man. Let me explain, my host mother's friend on the 2nd floor also hosts students. Her student happens to be a fin named ukho, in Russian it is spelled ухо, just like the word for ear. He claims even though it is spelled the same way it is pronounced differently, what sense that makes is beyond me, and I couldn't hear any difference. Regardless of the name, our «mothers» decided we must meet and arranged a dinner at their apartment. Ear someh

I met ear, we walked around the city, drank a beer, he showed me the only store in town where you can actually pick up items and bring them to the counter, all went well. Ear is very tall and has long blonde hair, let's just say he stands out a bit. Maybe it was our accents, our maybe it was the enourmous fin, but some Russian kids approached us in the park and asked us where we were from. When I said I was from Indiana the only words I could make out were basketball, basketball, Pacers, basketball. The world is a very small place. Ear is nice, I'm a foreigner studying Russian in Russia, he's a foreigner studying Russian in Russia, Russian is our only way to communicate, it works, we're friends.
I had my first grammar class this morning, nothing much to say, I learned a lot, it was nice, end of story. It was nice to finally have something to do during the day other than wander the streets hoping not to be fed. Tommorow I have poetry class. I'm not exactly sure what that means, but I can only assume Pushkin will be involved.
I met a Russian college student. His name is Sergei, he studies chemistry. We met on Red Square when he asked me for the time. We exchanged phone numbers, I hope he

The Ovcharov's have 3 pets. 1 evil cat named Sima, who refuses to leave m

They set me up with wi-fi on the laptop at school. All is well and free.
How exactly do you say, "Umm, I think your dog is dead," in russian?
Adam, I think you may have found your niche. You are a very good writer! I am very excited to be able to track your journey through your writings. My mom, your aunt, gave me the address today and I am very happy she did. Sounds like you are having a great time. On another subject, I saw that you had some limestone pictures on your site, have you ever read "In Stone Country" by Scott Russel Sanders"(IU English prof)? It is a surprisingly good book if you would like to borrow it when you get back. Hey, pay us a visit when you come back, I would love to see pictures and chat about your trip.
Adam, this was the best yet. I chuckled through the whole thing. Especially the evil cat. It's good to see a picture of your new mom.
old mom
I got your back with Sergei, if he tries anything. Sounds like your having a great time and eating very well. Looking forward to seeing your pictures and mustache when you get back to town.
Adam, sounds like there is a lot of beer drinking going on. I guess this is necessary if you are going to learn the troika. Russians are incredible dancers, so please take advantage of the opportunity to pick up the steps.
Love, Aunt Susie
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