Wednesday, May 2, 2007

7 days and counting....

I can’t believe I’m writing this. Just one week to go, just one week until I step on a plane bound for Russia. Ten months ago I first got the idea in my head that I should go to Russia. Ten months ago I started planning and scheming. Ten months ago, May 9th seemed like a distant dream. Now countless hours planning and organizing and one neurosurgery later I find myself counting down the days not the weeks.

Planning this trip has been a long and tedious process. The process sounds simple enough. How difficult could it really be? You pick a place to go, get your airline ticket, get your visa, and you pack and go. What you don’t realize is all the little things involved.

Take if you will, the Russian Visa process. I wish I knew what I know now when I was younger, or even 2 months ago for that matter. Countless people advised me, just pay the $40 dollar fee and have someone arrange your visa for you. 40 dollars? what? I'm young, I've got plenty of time, I CAN be patient. I mean, come on, 40 dollars is 40 dollars right?

According to the Consulate of The Russian Embassy to obtain a visa you need: Passport..check Completed Visa Application..check Letter of Invitation..check. Ok, I’ve got everything I need now what? Mail a copy of your passport, completed visa application, cover letter, processing fee and self addressed stamp envelope. Great, simple enough. At this point, I’m dreaming of ways I’ll spend that 40 dollars. Long story short, miscommunication on both ends combined with naivety on this end and I know find myself paying for not only express three day visa processing, but two ends of overnight fedex deliveries, the sum of which I can assure you far surpasses 40 dollars.

As they say, вех живи, вех учись (roughly, live and learn.)

PS. It takes approximately two hours to explain to your insurance company why you need more than a months worth of your prescriptions.

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